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Solomon Asch: Key Concepts


One of the key concepts introduced by Solomon Asch is the idea of conformity. In his famous line judgement experiments, Asch showed how participants would often conform to the incorrect judgements of their peers, even when they knew the answer was wrong. This phenomenon, known as “normative social influence,” highlights the powerful role that social pressure can play in shaping our behaviour.

Asch also identified the concept of “informational social influence,” where individuals conform because they believe that others have more accurate knowledge or information. This form of conformity can be particularly prevalent in ambiguous or uncertain situations, where individuals may look to others for guidance on how to behave.

Another important concept introduced by Asch is the idea of group polarisation, where group discussion can lead to more extreme opinions or decisions than any individual member initially held. This phenomenon highlights the dynamic nature of group interactions and the potential for group dynamics to amplify individual beliefs or attitudes.

Overall, Solomon Asch’s work has provided valuable insights into the ways in which individuals are influenced by their social environments. By understanding the key concepts of conformity, informational social influence, and group polarisation, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of human behaviour in group settings. Asch’s research continues to shape our understanding of social psychology and remains relevant in today’s world of social media and online communities.

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