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Narcissism and Entitlement: A Toxic Blend in the Dark Side


Understanding Narcissism

Narcissism, derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus, refers to an excessive preoccupation with oneself. People who fall under this category typically display an array of characteristics and behaviours that centre around their own needs and desires:

  1. Need for constant praise and admiration from others.
  2. Lack of empathy towards others’ feelings and needs.
  3. Excessive self-focus and belief in own superiority.
  4. Ignoring or disrespecting social norms and rules.
  5. Expectation of special treatment and entitlement.

The Entitlement Factor

Entitlement, on the other hand, is the belief or expectation that one deserves special treatment or privileges without having to put in the necessary effort or demonstrate merit. While everyone may experience occasional entitlement feelings, individuals with narcissistic traits often find themselves consumed by this sense of entitlement, believing that the world revolves around them.

The Toxic Blend

The combination of narcissism and entitlement can create a dangerous cocktail that negatively impacts individuals’ relationships, personal growth, and societal dynamics. Here’s how:

1. Relationship challenges: Narcissists’ constant need for validation and admiration makes it difficult for them to establish healthy and genuine connections. They often manipulate and exploit others, viewing people as mere tools to fulfil their desires. Consequently, friendships and romantic relationships suffer, as narcissists struggle with empathy and fail to consider the needs and emotions of those around them.

2. Inflated self-perception: The entitlement element further amplifies a narcissist’s distorted view of themselves, leading to an inflated sense of superiority. This can result in destructive behaviour, such as belittling others, demeaning their achievements, or engaging in power struggles to maintain dominance.

3. Lack of personal growth: Narcissists, driven by their grandiose self-image, may become resistant to self-improvement. Their belief in their inherent superiority and entitlement can prevent them from acknowledging any flaws or shortcomings, hindering personal growth and leading to stagnation in various aspects of life.

4. Societal impact: In broader society, the prevalent attitudes of entitlement and narcissism can erode empathy and cooperation. This self-centred mindset undermines the social fabric, as community-mindedness, understanding, and compromise take a backseat to individual desires. By valuing personal gain over collective well-being, narcissism and entitlement contribute to a toxic and divisive societal climate.

Seeking Change

While narcissism and entitlement present significant challenges, it is essential to remember that change is possible. Acknowledging and understanding the root causes behind these behaviours is a crucial step toward personal growth and fostering healthy relationships.

Individuals exhibiting narcissistic tendencies may benefit from therapy or counselling to develop self-awareness, empathy, and a balanced sense of self-worth. Additionally, society as a whole needs to cultivate an environment that promotes empathy, compassion, and cooperation, thereby challenging the prevailing culture of entitlement.


Narcissism and entitlement can lead individuals down a destructive path, disrupting their interpersonal relationships and personal growth. Furthermore, they have a wider societal impact, perpetuating a culture of self-centredness and undermining communal harmony. By recognising the detrimental effects of these traits, we can actively work toward cultivating a more empathetic, understanding, and cooperative society that values collective well-being over individual desires.


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