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The Most Difficult Thing After Death

Spirits report that the most difficult aspect of dying is the decomposition process that the body goes through. Many spirits become ‘trapped’ in this confusing and upsetting experience. Yes, attachments transcend the physical world, and there are spiritual laws in place which intend to bring about a social order between spirit and human world. These spiritual laws have been redacted between spirits and humans such as Allan Kardec; but as humanity is evolving into a more spiritually conscious ecosystem, it is proper to deter any outdated laws which could further create confusion.

According to the opinion of the ignorant, science works miracles every day. That is why, in ancient times, those who knew more than the common people were considered sorcerers; and since at that time it was believed that all superhuman science came from the devil, they were burned. Today we are much more civilised, so we are content to send them to institutions for the insane (Kardec, El Libro De Los Mediums, 2009).

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