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Understanding Savior Complex Psychology: The Need to Rescue Others


Savior complex psychology refers to a pattern of behaviour in which an individual feels a deep-seated need to rescue or save others, often to the detriment of their own well-being. People with a saviour complex may believe that they are the only ones capable of solving someone else’s problems or that they are the only ones who truly understand the situation at hand. This can lead to them taking on too much responsibility and neglecting their own needs in the process.

There are many reasons why someone may develop a saviour complex. It could stem from childhood experiences of feeling responsible for the well-being of others, a need for validation or approval from others, or a desire to feel needed or important. In some cases, it can also be a way for the person to avoid dealing with their own unresolved issues or emotions.

While having a desire to help others is a noble trait, it is important to recognise when this desire crosses the line into unhealthy behaviour. Constantly putting others’ needs before your own can lead to burnout, resentment, and even enabling those you are trying to help. It is essential to set boundaries and prioritise self-care in order to maintain a healthy balance in relationships.

If you find yourself constantly trying to rescue others or feeling like you are the only one who can fix problems, it may be helpful to seek professional help to explore the underlying issues driving this behaviour. Therapy can provide a safe space to reflect on past experiences, learn new coping strategies, and develop healthier ways of relating to others.

Ultimately, understanding and addressing saviour complex psychology can lead to healthier, more balanced relationships and a greater sense of self-awareness and self-worth. Remember, it is important to take care of yourself first before trying to save others.

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