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True Spiritism is NOT for Profit


Spiritism, as founded by Allan Kardec in the 19th century, is based on the principles of moral and spiritual development, as well as the belief in the immortality of the soul. It is meant to be a path toward personal growth and enlightenment, not a means for financial gain.

Unfortunately, in today’s commercialised world, there are those who see Spiritism as a way to make money. They may offer expensive classes, workshops, or readings, claiming to provide special access to spirits or secret knowledge. This exploitative behaviour not only distorts the true teachings of Spiritism but also preys on vulnerable individuals who may be seeking spiritual guidance.

Spiritism is meant to be a practice of love, compassion, and service to others. It is about connecting with higher spiritual beings for guidance and support in our personal growth and development. The idea of profiting from such a sacred and spiritual practice goes against the very essence of Spiritism.

It is important for those interested in Spiritism to be discerning and cautious when seeking out guidance or resources. True Spiritism should be practised in a spirit of humility, integrity, and sincerity, rather than for personal gain.

In conclusion, Spiritism is not for profit. It is a sacred and spiritual practice that should be approached with reverence and respect. Those who seek to exploit it for financial gain only tarnish its reputation and mislead others. Let us honour the true teachings of Spiritism and uphold its values of love, service, and spiritual growth.

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